Thursday, June 5, 2014


28 May 2014

When we were young, we spoke of favourites.

Favourite colour. Favourite food. Favourite teacher.

I´m not sure what happened to favourites as we grew up, but they dont seem to feature much in conversation now.

Ive been in South America two weeks now, and oh the multitude of things I've seen and done!
Crossing the Andes. Asados. Mustering heifers on horseback. The Teatro Colon. Caminito St, its colour and tango. Folklore. Iguazu falls.

But if I had to pick a favourite, it'd be this: español.
I can't explain how or why its so fun - it just is.

And my favourite word: vaquillona*  Get a native to speak it for you. How pretty!

It's not that Spanish is the most beautiful language in the world (though some may argue so) - its just that it's a language - and languages stir me - I can't describe how or why - they just do.

Almost makes me wonder if, in another life, I might have been a linguist.
Almost makes me thank God for the tower of Babel.

Like the world of biology, the world of language fascinates me. Who created Spanish? Who designed its verb conjugations? Who determined it's gendered nouns and accents? I marvel.

And its not that  Spanish-as-a-second-language is without its frustrations. But in moments of mis(non!)communication, there is often warmth, laughter, creativity (..charades and sounds..), grace and an understanding of a different kind.

I guess its kind of odd to take such delight in a language - it a word - but the fact that one can - and does - is... well... nice, isn´t  it?



Cuando estabamos jovenes, hablabamos sobre las cosas favoritas. Mi color favorito. Mi comida favorita. Mis maestro favorito. Pero ahora, no hablamos asi. 

Estoy en sudamerica hace dos semanas ahora y ya vi y hice mucho. Pero mi cosa favorita esta español. Y mi palabra favorita esta vaquillona. No se porque lo me gusta tanto. Me encanta los idiomas. Pienso que, en una otra vida, me gustaria ser una linguista. Siempre pienso asi: ¿quien crea español? ¿Quien hacia las reglas de gramatica? 

No es facile siempre. Pero cuando no se puede comunicar con usa los manos, o los sonidos, las sonrisas - se comunica con otras formas. 

Mi español no esta bueno. Pero me gusta, si lo me gusta. 


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