Saturday, May 23, 2020


Aug 2019, Sichuan Province, China. 

I love mountain tops. Could spend my life there, I say.
Fresh air and freedom. Adrenaline from the ascent. Sun on skin.

But mountain tops are not for dwelling.
When the sun has gone and the chill creeps in
They are brutal, exposed, lonely places.

What goes up must come down:
The village is where we live.
In the valley shadows are long. It is cramped and cold. It is mundane.

But in the village there are people.
Creativity and colour. Feuds and fiestas.
There is life.
Nobody mourns a mountain like they do a mother.

Mountains may be breath taking
The village is life-giving.
Though I dream of one
I am content with the other.
Though I love the peak
I need people.

at 5200m, Siguniang Mountain, 

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