Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Banana's thanks

14 Feb 2010

Today I awoke and thanked the Lord I was Chinese. No, it wasnt a sigh of relief 'thank GOD Im Chinese and not some other inferior race....' but a simple appreciation for who I am.
Yesterday I had had a 'reunion' (though I just met them)lunch of duck, fish, sharkfin soup, paua and brocolli stir fry with my bf's* family, then for dinner I went over to my other bf's* place for a 'reunion' dinner of duck, fish, sharkfin soup, paua and brocolli stir fry. Now only the Chinese could put on a feast like that.
Last night the streets were alight with firecrackers;I've never seen such an abundance of colour in the sky. It sounded like a war zone, and I wouldnt be suprised if a few auditory aparati are now damaged. Only the chinese could put on such an illegal display like that.
Today Im in a goergus red top (too goergus to be my own); downstairs they are preparing an open house. The fridge is obese and the tables overflowing with a most impressive array of cookies. Im convinced few people are so concerned about their palates as the Chinese.

We thank God for the lovely day, we thank Him for our food. We thank Him for friends and family, yet how often does one thank God for his race? In fact, how often do us Christians talk about race? A bit, I suppose. Christians shouldnt be racist. There is no distinction between Jew and Greek. Jesus is the Saviour of ALL nations. Unreached people groups.
But in terms of celebrating different races - your own race - well, I dont think we do it enough.

Does God want us to celebrate Chinese New Year? I think yes. Sure, its shrouded in superstitial practices, and it can be so difficult to separate them from just 'culture'. Superstition disgusts God - but Chinese culture He delights in. After all, the Chinese were His idea. Im sure He had our black hair, flat noses and glorious food in mind at creation. I dont think we're meant to be less Chinese at conversion. On the contrary, being Christian should cause us to embrace Chinese-ness even more, as a God-given gift. We must seek to bring God into culture - for Christ died to reconcile every aspect of life to its Creator.

If this banana can thank God for her skin colour, then surely you can too. For in being, and being thankful for, who were are, we reflect some of who He is.

Gong Xi Fa Cai, God.

*internal joke. Just to clarify: I dont have a boyfriend (or two, for that matter). But I received ang pows from both families like I was attatched... ;) don't you love Chinese New Year....


  1. :)) Gong Xi Fat Chai Esther! wow...good thoughts!

  2. I thought breaking news was coming for the bf issue haha, disappointed now. ;p Glad you enjoyed Chinese New Year, I'm proud of being Chinese too (not as superior) but as being blessed. KL was the same too fireworks and firecrackers everywhere! That's why I was missing home badly when spending CNY in NZ... I guess you can be more empathetic to Chinese students in overseas who are unable to return home during festive seasons now...

  3. sorry to disapoint you anne. thought that twist might get me into trouble though! hey what about empathy for chinese people who havent ever had a proper festive season in their life?
